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I am a deaf women who like to write, write and write.I am from Southern Mississippi which love very much.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Men & their games...

What happen to a real man these days? Why can't Men pass the generation of how to treat women out on a date to younger men? In some way, I felt that generation era had been broken or COMPLETELY GONE.  We don't do movie anymore in this century, we don't go out on a date anymore.. What is this century turning to? What do guys really do to take a girls out on a date?  What is your purpose of on a date? If you like a girl so much, what is your purpose of being with her? I hadn't even find an answer from that just one.   I know there are a few gentlemen who out there that still go on a date. Just to be honest, I am old fashioned person. I just don't live the way the world want us to live.  It is not like I am meeting the wrong type of dudes. It is just that some dudes want to chill.. Say what!!! Chill... You know chill can do.. Just chill n watch tv.. Just cut the bullshit, all right.   Dude can come up the lamest shyt that they could think of but COME ON, CHILL. They need to come up with a better idea. Chill ain't one of them.  I ain't gonna let a guy come n chill. That is what I basically do is sit home & watch tv. I wanna go out n have fun. I have done that & been there. That is what most of these dudes do around here these days.  I know darn well I don't want to chill & it is not my thing to do...I have girlfriend be telling  a lot of stories. Guyz, ya'll can do so much better than that.  I am not pointing finger to you guys. Just trying to make my point across. if a guy want to chill, they ain't worth of your time.. just saying.

Get to know her as a human being not just her appearance, nor sexuality. If u don't like her, skip to the next girl n stop trying to look for away to get in her pants.

Feel free to comment.. Smile. I would love to hear your two cents..